Wheel Spacers / Wheel Spacers

Used for vertical rebars and it gives the required distances between formwork and rebars. We can produce for the special diameters of rebars and the distances. Clutch legs perform holing varieties of rebar sizes.

Data Table

Code Height Bar Diameter Package Package Weight
11010 10 mm 6-10 mm 1000 pcs/ pack 2660 gr./pk.
11015 15 mm 6-12 mm 1000 pcs/ pack 3700 gr./pk.
11115 15 mm 12-18 mm 1000 pcs/ pack 6500 gr./pk.
11020 20 mm 6-12 mm 1000 pcs/ pack 5250 gr./pk.
11025 25 mm 6-14 mm 1000 pcs/ pack 6500 gr./pk.
11125 25 mm 12-18 mm 1000 pcs/ pack 8500 gr./pk.
11030 30 mm 8-14 mm 1000 pcs/ pack 11500 gr./çv.
11130 30 mm 16-20 mm 1000 pcs/ pack 9500 gr./çv.
11035 35 mm 8-14 mm 1000 pcs/ pack 14500 gr./çv.
11040 40 mm 12-18 mm 500 pcs/ pack 10500 gr./çv.
11050 50 mm 12-30 mm 500 pcs/ pack 14700 gr./çv.
11150 50 mm 10-20 mm 500 pcs/ pack 14000 gr./çv.
11060 60 mm 8-16 mm 250 pcs/ pack 8700 gr./çv.
11075 75 mm 8-18 mm 250 pcs/ pack 12750 gr./çv.
11175 75 mm 20-26 mm 150 pcs/ pack 9560 gr./çv.